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November 15th, 2021 × #Nextjs#React#Performance

Hasty Treat - Next.js 12

Scott and Wes discuss the new features in Next.js 12 including a new Rust compiler, middleware support, React 18 support, AVIF image support, bot detection for ISR, ES modules, and more.


In this Hasty Treat, Scott and Wes talk about Next.js 12 and all of its hot new goodness and updates!

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Show Notes

04:00 - Rust Compiler: ~3x faster Fast Refresh and ~5x faster builds

06:25 - Middleware (beta): Enabling full flexibility in Next.js with code over configuration

08:16 - React 18 Support: Native Next.js APIs are now supported, as well as suspense

09:56 - <Image /> AVIF Support: Opt-in for 20% smaller images

11:58 - Bot-aware ISR Fallback: Optimized SEO for web crawlers

13:10 - Native ES Modules Support: Aligning with the standardized module system

14:39 - URL Imports (alpha): Import packages from any URL, no installs required

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